by Thomas Naylor | Mar 15, 2023 | Building A Resume, Career, Interview, Resume Advice, Resume Tips, Scam
I did my research! Here are the most current resume trends! I didn’t go to school for 8 years of college for nothing! Optimize your resume by using key words. It’s easy, just google key words for your desired career and you will get results with identical key words,...
by Thomas Naylor | Mar 8, 2023 | Building A Resume, Career, Interview, Resume Advice, Resume Tips, Scam
Employment Scams and Here’s How to Avoid Them! Firstly, check your resume, does it have your full name, birthdate, address, and phone number? That’s about all scammers need to steal your identity. Name, city of origin, email, phone number, and LinkedIn address is...
by Thomas Naylor | Mar 1, 2023 | Building A Resume, Career, Interview, Resume Advice, Resume Tips
Firstly, don’t even think about a job or a career, think about yourself. Is there something in your life you really want to do but just never had the time? How is your relationship with your friends, family, and co-workers? What do you enjoy doing? Are you doing...
by Thomas Naylor | Feb 22, 2023 | Building A Resume, Career, Interview, Resume Advice, Resume Tips
Ever had an employer ask you what your weakness is? Make the weakness something positive. Do you care about your job so much that you sometimes tend to work longer hours than you should? Do you take frustration from work home with you? Are you a perfectionist to a...