Firstly, don’t even think about a job or a career, think about yourself. Is there something in your life you really want to do but just never had the time? How is your relationship with your friends, family, and co-workers? What do you enjoy doing? Are you doing it? How is your physical health? How is your mental health? It your physical health and mental health are suffering stop right there.
If you have the time, money and energy to get them right, do that first. If you do not, still make it your first priority, contact your local department of Job and Family Services, Social Security Office, Goodwill, Salvation Army, Police Department, Mental Health providers, Medicare/Medicaid, any religion the you may affiliate with, you’d be surprised the amount of help that’s out there. I have been in the business for 13 years and still am finding local charities that I never knew about just down the street.
What do you want to do? What is it like? If you want to be a lawyer ask a lawyer, if you want to be a social worker ask a social worker. I have personally experienced highly educated & intelligent individuals that start working in the social work field and discovered within the first year it is totally not for them. How many people that you know have a lucrative degree that they do not use? Ask them. Or just YouTube what it’s like to be ?.