Gap In Your Resume? Here’s What To Do!

Gap In Your Resume? Here’s What To Do!

Addressing a resume gap can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can use to explain the gap positively and professionally: Be Honest Truthfulness: Always be honest about the gap. Misleading information can backfire....

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Tired of Your Job?  Try This!

Tired of Your Job? Try This!

Hating your job can be stressful and draining, but there are steps you can take to improve your situation. Here are some strategies to consider: Self-Assessment Identify the Issues: Understand what specifically you dislike about your job. Is it the work itself, the...

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How to avoid fake job listings!

How to avoid fake job listings!

CBS New reports that as many as 4 in 10 job listings maybe fake according to a recent study by Resume Builder. Spotting fake job listings online can be tricky, but there are several red flags and best practices that can help you identify them: Red Flags in Job...

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Finding a Job: The Numbers Game

Finding a Job: The Numbers Game

Searching for a job can often feel like a daunting and frustrating process. Many job seekers send out dozens, if not hundreds, of applications without hearing back, leading to feelings of discouragement and burnout. However, understanding that job hunting is, to a...

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How To Leverage Your College Alumni To Get A Job!

How To Leverage Your College Alumni To Get A Job!

1. Connect with Alumni LinkedIn: Use LinkedIn’s alumni tool to find graduates from your college who work in your desired field or at companies you’re interested in. Alumni Associations: Join your college’s alumni association and participate in events, both in-person...

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Employers don’t read resumes! They scan them!

Employers don’t read resumes! They scan them!

Many companies now use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to manage the influx of resumes they receive. These systems automatically scan resumes for specific keywords, qualifications, and experiences relevant to the job description. They help employers filter through a...

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Always send a cover letter!  Here’s why!

Always send a cover letter! Here’s why!

I’ve seen it in the past working with employers.  Often times employers have told me to send them as many applicants as possible and to have them include a resume and cover letter.  Many times, if candidates did not include a cover letter, the employers didn’t even...

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