by Thomas Naylor | Feb 22, 2023 | Building A Resume, Career, Interview, Resume Advice, Resume Tips
Ever had an employer ask you what your weakness is? Make the weakness something positive. Do you care about your job so much that you sometimes tend to work longer hours than you should? Do you take frustration from work home with you? Are you a perfectionist to a...
by Thomas Naylor | Feb 1, 2023 | Resume Advice, Resume Tips
Fastest growing occupations according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Nurse Practitioner / Growth Rate 46% / Median Pay $120,680 Wind turbine service technicians / Growth Rate 44% / Median Pay $52,260 Ushers, lobby attendants, ticket takers / Growth Rate 41% /...
by Thomas Naylor | Jan 25, 2023 | Resume Advice
Poor appearance Overbearing, conceited attitude Inability to express self clearly; poor voice, diction & grammar Lack of career planning; no purpose or goals Lack of interested and enthusiasm; a passive indifferent manner Lack of confidence, or excessive...
by Thomas Naylor | Jan 4, 2023 | Resume Advice, Resume Tips
Do You Really Need a Professional Resume Writer? Probably not. You most likely have all the tools, you know your job history, educational experience, and skills. There are tons of instructional videos on YouTube, free resume templates, libraries, and government...
by Thomas Naylor | Dec 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
First, do not lie on the job application. Lot’s of employers are fine with hiring felons but if you lie on the application you will be automatically disqualified. Get a CQE (Certification of Qualification for Employment). The CQE will allow persons living in the...