How to get a job with a felony record

Dec 28, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Table of Contents
  • First, do not lie on the job application. Lot’s of employers are fine with hiring felons but if you lie on the application you will be automatically disqualified.
  • Get a CQE (Certification of Qualification for Employment). The CQE will allow persons living in the community who have a previous felony or misdemeanor conviction to apply to the court to lift the collateral sanctions that bars them from being considered for employment in a particular field. Fair warning this is a lengthy process.
  • Make a story for yourself. One of the most simple and best stories I ever heard was from a client.  “I went to college and started experimenting with drugs, those experiments led to a addiction and that addiction led me to crime.  With that being said, I have been sober for two years and trying to find my meaningful role in society”
  • Do not share your felony up front. Wait till the question is posed to you, then follow through with your story. It may be frustrating and easier to tell them up front and get it over with, but it will not work to your advantage.
  • Get help from your local government funded employment agencies, for example, Ohio has Ohio Means Jobs, Michigan has Michigan Works. Just Google it! Every state has some sort of government funded agency to assist with employment.
  • Stay patient and positive, having a felony does not mean you will not get a job. It will just be harder.