Social Media Will Help You Find A New Job!

Jan 24, 2024 | Resume Advice, Resume Tips | 0 comments

I know, social media may not be for everyone, but the reality is, it will help you get a better-paying job faster.  You may have to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there, but that’s the type of person employers want to hire.  Someone who can lead, manage, and mentor.  So, what can you do?

The 2 Best Social Media Platforms to Find A New Job

Join LinkedIn, if you have not heard of LinkedIn, it’s basically the Facebook of the professional world.   It is not hard to do, it’s totally free and you can connect directly with decision-makers. This is the best social media platform to be on when looking for a new job.

  • Over one-third of all professionals use LinkedIn.
  • 80% of employers use LinkedIn as part of their decision-making process.
  • Approximately 58 million businesses use LinkedIn.
  • The median income of users is $75,000.
  • Some job postings will only let you apply on LinkedIn.
  • You can connect directly with decision-makers.
  • There are helpful tools, statistics, and free educational videos.

Post it on Facebook, but first clean up your page and take off anything that is inappropriate, and check your privacy settings.

  • If people really are your friend, they will help you. Just make a professional post telling your friends you are looking for work, the type of work you are pursuing, and some brief accomplishments.
  • Over 65 million employers use Facebook pages. There is a job board feature where employers can post directly to their company page, making it easier to connect.
  • Use it to network, there are only 6 degrees of separation in the world. Someone always knows someone who knows someone.  I personally am only 2 degrees from Kevin Bacon.

Check out other blog posts for more tips!

social media